Current Classes + Workshops

Monday morning Rise and Shine Yoga

Start your week with self-care, mindful movement, breath and intention. Colleen will guide you through an energetic, fun yoga class that will help you to find your inner strength, increase mobility and self awareness and most importantly--feel at home in your body! This is an energetic, strong yoga class – open to all levels.

Register to attend In person or online.

Class is held at Good Karma Studio in Murphys, CA and also on Zoom.

Flow and Release Series

Each 1 hour session will combine yoga asana, philosophy and breathwork along with some somatic movement and self-massage with yoga therapy balls.

For those familiar with Colleen's classes you can expect that this class will be less intense physically than her Monday morning classes and more so than her Gentle Yoga series. 

What: 6 Sessions: July 12, 19, 26, Aug. 2, 9, 16

When: 10-11am

Where: On Zoom OR in person in Murphys, CA at Good Karma Studio. You will also receive links to the videos of each session to use throughout the series.

Cost: Sliding Scale: $72-85

Register for the In Studio Flow and Release

Register for the Virtual Flow and Release

Gentle Yoga Series

Experience how mindfulness, movement and breath work can help you feel better and age well. Gentle Yoga with Colleen is designed for those age 60+ and open to everyone. More information and testimonials here.

What: 4 Sessions: July 10, 17, 24, 31

When: 11am-12pm

Where: On Zoom OR in person in Murphys, CA at Good Karma Studio. You will also receive links to the videos of each session to use throughout the series.

Cost: Sliding Scale: $40-$55

Register for the In Studio Gentle Series  

Register for the Virtual Gentle Series

Self Care Sundays at the Murphys Farmers’ Market

Join Colleen Gavan and/or Alex Mannos for an all levels yoga experience. Explore the benefits of deep breathing, thoughtful movement and strength building sequences so that you can receive feelings of presence, peace and ease in your daily life.

Please bring your own props if you have them (yoga mat, blocks, blanket) and any essentials that may up level your experience (sunscreen, water, a friend, etc.).


  • 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month: 6/25 Colleen, 7/9 Alex, 7/23 Colleen, 8/13 Colleen, 8/27 Alex, 9/10 Colleen, 9/24 Alex, 10/8 Alex)

  • 9am-10am at the Murphys Community Park on Algiers St.

  • Pay by Donation, All levels

Embodied Resilience: A Therapeutic Yoga & Somatic Series

Stress and trauma can have a huge impact on how we feel emotionally, physically and mentally. Our nervous systems can only handle so much stress before becoming overwhelmed. The effects can show up as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain or just a feeling of something not quite ‘right’. Through the combination of trauma informed yoga, nervous system education and somatic (embodied) exercises— you can begin to transform ‘stuck’ places.

Learn techniques to reduce the effects of stress and trauma and feel more at home and at ease in your body. 

Each session will incorporate some restorative and therapeutic yoga, self-reflection, as well as nervous system education/discussion and somatic (embodied) techniques (no prior yoga experience necessary).


Flow, Release and Restore

Work out the kinks of winter. Roll out tight muscles with therapy balls, unwind with a slow yoga flow, and finish with a restorative deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra).

April 30th, 12-2pm at Good Karma Yoga Studio in Murphys or on Zoom.

In Studio Price ($45) includes 1 pair of Yoga Tune UP Therapy Balls (in a mesh bag) + 1 Coregeous ball.

If you have participated with me in the past and can bring a pair of the Yoga Tune Up therapy balls send me an email instead of registering ) and I'll deduct the cost and get you registered. Cost of the workshop is $35 if you already have the mesh bag with small therapy balls. If you also have a Coregeous ball, cost is $25. 

Zoom Price is $25 with links to purchase balls separately.

Register for the in person Workshop

Register for the virtual workshop (links to purchase balls in description)

Re-Pattern, Re-Wire, Re-Imagine: A Yoga & Somatics Workshop

January 15th, 1-3pm at Good Karma Yoga Studio. In Murphys OR on Zoom.

Feeling exhausted, stuck or want to change how you feel in your body and mind? In this workshop you'll learn embodied techniques to help with stress and difficult emotions. You'll learn how to use embodied yoga to reach a deeper level of self-awareness and make space for healing. 

Register here for in person.

Register here for Zoom

This workshop could be for you if:

  • You’d like to increase your self-care.

  • You’ve felt overwhelmed by stress or emotion and want to find a way to feel more at ease and regulated.

  • You feel like you’re ‘going through the motions’ in your day-to-day living and want to feel more engaged with life.

  • You’ve experienced trauma and would like tools to help you heal on a nervous system level. You’re a yoga teacher and want to learn trauma-sensitive techniques to help clients to feel more embodied and empowered. 

  • You work as a therapist or with clients and would like to learn somatic tools.

New Year’s Yoga: Revitalize, Reflect, Restore

10am -11:30 am on December 31st at Good Karma Yoga Studio in Murphys

I hope you'll join me this year to gather together as a community with the common intention of taking better care of ourselves and each other.
I'll guide you through a creative, energetic yoga practice* to feel strong and grounded while opening the upper back and chest. Class will incorporate breathwork, guided chakra meditation and restorative as well as yin poses. Please bring water, a journal or paper and a pen if you'd like.
SPACE IS LIMITED, so please be sure to register!.
Pay by donation (suggested: $15-20 but pay what you can. Cash/Check/Venmo only.)
Register here.— SOLD OUT in person.

You can still join on Zoom: Register here.

Class is held at Good Karma Studio in Murphys, CA.

*Please note that this won't be a gentle practice (except for the restorative poses).