Somatic Experiencing® and Yoga Therapy

Somatic Experiencing® is a body-oriented approach to help you move toward feeling whole again as you build the capacity for resilience. You’ll learn the skills to regulate and ultimately renegotiate the ‘stuck’ symptoms of stress and trauma. In somatic and yoga therapy, you’ll build self-awareness as you practice actually being present in your body. As you learn the tools of self-regulation and embodiment, you’ll begin to transform your daily life. 

By reconnecting with your body and developing the ability to pay attention and to stay with whatever is happening in the moment, you can feel like yourself again.

Modern life can be stressful, and traumatic events often leave us feeling exhausted and disconnected. The effects of trauma and stress get caught in our nervous systems and that is where we focus our healing work.

What to expect in a session:

After talking about your needs and goals, we will use various somatic and mindfulness techniques that will support you on your path toward healing. Sessions are 60 minutes in length and can take place in person or online. The number of sessions I recommend will vary depending on your needs and expectations.

What others are saying.

“Colleen created an atmosphere in which I immediately felt at ease, as if sitting with the most loving friend. The work that we did (and continue to do) together has truly impacted my life in the most transformative way. Colleen’s therapeutic approach weaves gentle instructions, physical prompts, and visual cues to support internalized discovery.”

— Tasha U.

“In four sessions (online) of somatic information and practice Colleen introduced me to a tool kit for calming this anxious person. With techniques for mind and body she made it possible for me to take the edge off of my overactive sympathetic nervous system. Colleen is calm and reassuring just by her very presence.”

— Mickey W.