Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Tailored to your specific needs, trauma sensitive therapeutic yoga can help reduce stress and foster a sense of empowerment. Participants will leave with tools they can use in their daily lives to help manage stress.

I’ve worked with  groups such as youth mentoring, behavioral and medical health centers, adjudicated youth, and women’s groups. 

Contact me for more information or to schedule a group session!

When you slow down your breathing with yoga, you can increase your heart rate variability, and that decreases stress. Yoga opens you up to feeling every aspect of your body’s sensations. It’s a gentle, safe way for people to befriend their bodies, where the trauma of the past is stored.

--Bessel Van der Kolk

Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers, therapists, healers and educators

As people drawn toward the helping professions, we all want to provide safe spaces for those in our care, yet we don’t always know the backgrounds of everyone that shows up for our classes and sessions. 

Yoga studio classes can be especially triggering for people with trauma. Teachers often touch without permission, use language that can be triggering and they may not even realize that how they’re teaching could be affecting their students.  

In order to make our sessions truly accessible, inclusive and to allow for transformative experiences, it is essential that we learn trauma-sensitive techniques. 

I offer continuing education workshops on how to make your practice truly trauma-informed.

Please contact me for more information.